[quote]Changes have to be always and permanent……the only thing which is static, is the knowledge, that EVERTHING is changing[/quote]
Change management or leading change processes is one of the most interesting and complicated tasks for management. There are two main difficulties:
[one_half first][dropcap2]1[/dropcap2]1. When deeply involved in the daily operative business, the more limited is his (analytic) view. In the foreground for this person is the solution for the operative problems and not so much the systematic investigation and elimination of the causes. Additionally a person, staying longer within the company, not only becomes more experienced but also gets more and more “routine-blinded” ….”cannot see anymore the forest because of so many trees…”[/one_half]
[one_half][dropcap2]2[/dropcap2]2. It’s part of human nature, that individuals try to avoid changes or at least has difficulties with changes. Routine is on one hand a precondition for efficiency but on the other hand also an obstacle for the New. “Humans only change when they are suffering a lot”.[/one_half]
These are the reasons, why the need for changes a lot of times is not or at least very late being seen and also only because of external influences or pressure. This leads also to the feeling of riscs of changes. Therefor it’s often seen as crisis or crisis-management.
Successful companies have an integrated awareness for changes, which permanently (or at least regularly) analyses the potential of changes. Based on these analysis decisions for changes are initiated and accomplished.
To bring change processes to success, these have to be initiated top down – only if the top (management) goes first, other employees will follow the (changed) way.
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