[quote]A good feeling and the sensation: “nothing will go wrong”[/quote]
Every year there is a big number of companies see itself faced with the question of succession. That is generally the question to find the right person, which on one hand is able and ready to take over the responsibility as an entrepreneur, and equally is fulfilling the requisition of the presenter – “ the chemistry between both has to work”. Such process needs a lot of time, patience and sensibility. The decision for a successor is for every founder/ owner or decider one of the most difficult.
Highest goal for the succession is the wellbeing of the company – the guaranty, that the company after the succession or part-succession is developing positive and permanent …most likely as if there has been no succession….”
For the succession process it’s not important, that the potential successor is coming from the familiar surroundings or that the continuity is given over to the hands of one or some externals. Important is, that there is enough time for building up trust – loyalty is an absolute must.
Questions- and problems in the light of succession are primary emotional and deeply sensible areas. They go deeply into personal feelings and are determined by personal values.
Lots of consultants concentrate wrongly on question of company valuation and see the succession process first of all as a M&A process.
That’s not my approach. We accompany you from the very first timid thoughts until the hand over and even longer.
[dropcap2]>[/dropcap2] Our goal: you as the presenter have a good feeling.
That’s our over:
• Your sparring partner for all thoughts related towards succession
• Make up concepts and strategies for succession
• Accompany during the whole process and (if wanted) steer the activities
• Filling of advisory boards and control boards
• Coaching of the successor
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